Copyright 2016. Christine Tsen. All rights reserved.​


To me, fire is about passion.  My first love broke up with me because he said I had too much fire.  It was a very painful revelation that certain people, a lot of people, did not like that in me.  That it was not even desirable.  And yet, I felt my fire was what made me me.  I still do.  I instinctively live a passionate life, pouring all I have into everything I do:   in my life, my music, my relationships, my faith.  I seek ways to express vibrant intensity.  It is my nature.  If I were to give any less I would feel as if I had sprung a leak.

Mother Earth has always taken great care of me.  I believe, albeit naïvely, it is the God-given right of all of us to be protected and nurtured. I feel safe barefoot in the leaves, in the grass.  I am one to climb all over the garden and run carefree through the forest.  This is why I care so desperately about everyone:  their feelings, their welfare, their suffering.  I love this quote from Mother Teresa, “The problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family too small.”

Breezy, free spirited, and usually barefoot and mussed:  that’s me.  I love the variety and freedom in life, the freedom to make my music fly, to land softly when the adventures of the day are over, and to take up a new kind of flight of the soul in that place of dreams.  I am the very definition of airy (no blonde jokes, please ;-) – some in my life think it endearing, others exasperating.

Water naturally flows to the lowest point, humility, and with a conscious awareness water has a natural acceptance of the yin and yang.  I love the pushing and pulling of personalities, that crucial give and take that fosters true communion.  I think it’s delicious.    The relentlessness of Love reminds me of water.  Water won’t abandon you or give up trying, and it always finds ways around the obstacle.  Love is like that.  To me, there is nowhere else on earth as heavenly as the ocean, nothing as needed as being immersed in the waters of love and faith.  Water is a snowdrift encrusted with gems that sparkle and bedazzle in a dance before our eyes, unique and unrehearsed.  It is a gentle rain helping us risk everything so that we might blossom.